Solar Energy :.


What is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is energy that is generated from the sun. The Earth recieves 174 PW of solar energy at the upper atmosphere. 30% of this solar power is reflected back to space & the rest is absorbed by clouds, land masses & oceans. Solar panels also absorb the sun's energy to provide electricity.
There are two ways the sun can be used to produce energy: solar thermal & photovoltaic.  

Solar Thermal :.
Solar thermal is the process when the sun's heat is collected & used to create electricity. Solar thermal energy collectors collect heat from the sun, & this heat is used to boil water creating steam that powers turbines that create the electricity. Unfortunantly, this type of solar energy can only be used when the sun is shining.

Photovoltaic :.
Photovoltaic electricty takes the sun's rays & converts them directly into electricity. Little chips made of silicon that absorb the sun's energy, called photovoltaic cells are made of two layers of treated silicon. When light hits the bottom layer, photons knock electrons loose creating an imbalance in charges between the top and bottom. Electrons flow freely through the connector when the two layers are connected they create an electric current.

Solar energy can help our planet by reducing the amound of pollution in the air that is contributing to global warming.


Advantages & Drawbacks of Solar Energy :.

Solar energy is a renewable resource & will last as long as the sun does. The use of solar energy does not pollute the air, as oil does. When oil is burned it releases greenhouse gases that effect the Earth. Solar cells require little maintenance & last long. Money is saved when you use solar energy. The needs for solar energy are easy to install.

Solar energy equipment is expensive. You cannot use solar energy when it is cloudy or at night. Other then that, solar energy is available at all times & all you need to do is install the solar pannels.

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